Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Atriplex that thrive in deserts and salt marshes. Fast-growing fuel woods should be developed in a planned way, while firewood-saving stoves, marsh gas and biogas from the stalks of crops should be widely promoted. 滨藜属的众多草本植物中的一种,适于生长在沙漠和盐沼泽地中。要有计划地种植速生薪炭林,大力推广节柴灶、沼气、秸杆气化等。
Any of various shrubby plants of the genus Atriplex that thrive in dry alkaline soil. 任何一种属于滨藜属的灌木,在干的碱性土壤中茂密的生长。
Change of protective enzyme activity of the four species in the genus Atriplex under water stress 水分胁迫下四种滨藜属植物保护酶活性的变化